karna begitu baca otak saya langsung mikir: wah ini harus digarap biar seru
juz enjoy it
1. Tell her she is beautiful ==> nggak mempan buat saya, nggak dibilang begini pun udah byutiful dari dulu!
2. Hold her hand at any moment ... even if it just for a second ==> "Bang,, jangan dipegangin tanganku,, susah nih ceboknya"
3. Hug her from behind ==> dikira penjahat DAAZZZZZ.. langsung ditonjok, "makanya laen kali dari depan Bang, biar Adek tau kalo itu Abang~"
4. Leave her voice messages to wake up to ==> gak mempan dikasi voice message, diguyur aer baru krasa!
5. Wrestle with her :) ==> woo gila, disuruh gulat, bonyok-bonyok dong~ *mengartikan 'wrestle' dengan baik dan benar*
6. Don't hang out with your ex when she is not with you, you might not realize how badly it hurts her ==> yes, it does really hurt when you hang out with him~
7. If you're talking to another girl, when you're done talking, walk over and hug her and kiss her.. let her know she's yours and they aren't ==> ini Timur bung, bukan Barat! walopun jam saya pake Waktu Indonesia BARAT..
8. Write her notes or call her just to say "hi" ==> "INI JAM 2 PAGI! NGGAK JELAS BANGET SIH NELPON CUMA BILANG HAI!!"
9. Introduce her to your friends... as your girlfriend ==> "Guys, ini cewek gue, dan mulai hari ini dia yang bakal bayarin semua utang gue ke lo semua" PLAAKK!
10. Play with her hair ==> jadi inget adekku yang ngejalanin mobil-mobilannya di rambutku,, nyangkut deh~ Boys, please, DONT TRY THIS ANYWHERE!
11. Pick her up (she loves it) ==> lakukan cuma kalo kamu ada kendaraan!
12. Get upset if another guy touches her and she doesn't like it ==> "Bang, itu kondektur bus nya nyolek2 mulu, masa' katanya Adek belom bayar.. Adek kan ga punya uang Bang~~"
13. Make her laugh ==> you guys hav to change ur job, clown agency opens job vacancy
14. Let her fall asleep in your arms ==> ada yang pernah denger SATURDAY NIGHT PALSY? kalo belom, buruan googling deh, sebelom nikmat sesaat pulang-pulang berobat
15. If she's mad at you, kiss her ==> "kamu tau kenapa aku marah? mulutmu BAU JENGKOL! jangan berani2 kamu cium2 lagi!!"
17. Every guy should give their girl 3 things: a stuffed animal (she'll hug it every time she goes to sleep), jewelry (she'll treasure it forever), and 1 of her t-shirt (she'll most likely wear it to bed) or sweatshirts sprayed with her cologne!! and flowers or something occasionally ==> yang mbuat note rada bego nih,, ini namanya 4, bukan 3!
18. Treat her the same around your friends as you do when you're alone
19. Look her in the eyes and smile ==> "Dek, matamu banyak beleknya, kamu kesini tadi mandi nggak sih?"
20. Hang out with her on weekends ==> kurang ini,, harusnya pake "and treat her"
21. Kiss her in the rain (girls love this) ==> BAKA! berteduh dulu bego!
22. Kiss her just for the heck of it ==> asal gak bau jengkol ajah~
23. If you're listening to music, let her listen too ==> ini kok aneh sih~ apaaaa gitu maksudnya
24. Remember her bday and get her something, even if it simple n inexpensive, it came from YOU ==> tapi kalo bisa tetep emas 24k yang ada berliannya gede yah~
25. When she gives you a present, take it and tell her you love it, even if you don't ==> tell her you love her, even if you don't,, ckck tegaaa~
26. Always call her when you say you will, even if you can only talk for a minute ==> "Hallo~.. cekrek.. tuut...tuut...tuut..." gak jelas!
27. Give her what she wants ==> LIKE THIS banget!! aku mau rumah, tanah, mobil, pesawat, emas, berlian, liburan ke Europe, bla bla bla
28. Recognize the small things... they usually mean the most ==> "Dek, kamu sekarang jerawatan yah~" AAAAAAAAH~~
29. Don't hug her/your friends that are girls cause she'll feel left out
30. Hang out with her whenever you are free and you should be free to hang out with her
31. If you care about her... SHOW her!
tetep masi underconstruction ni, minta masukan2 gilanya yah~ makasyi~~
thx 2 willy yang bantuin DIKIT2~ hehe
wed, sept 29, '10